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Product-specific EPDs are more than just a declaration

Product-specific EPDs are more than just a declaration

One of Airmaster's major projects over the past year has been product specific EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) for all products - right down to the smallest component. These are expected approved before the end of the year. Many choose generic industry EPDs which are less comprehensive, and this is where the difference lies, explains Sanne Laumann, Chief Visionary Officer at Airmaster:

"Initially, we have an EPD on our AM1000 (air handling unit for school classes, etc.) and have all components analysed of the product itself, and the entire value chain with transport, country of production and materials. It's good for customers, so they can use it in their DGNB. However, it's also good for us because it allows us to improve if, for example, we can use a recycled material instead of a new one. This helps us focus on the development of our products in the context where we can make an impact on the world. We want to use that proactively."


Not just a selling point - also part of the company's DNA

Sanne Laumann taler om bæredygtighed

Sustainability should not only be part of the products, but also part of the entire organisation at Airmaster. EPDs should be used to identify weaknesses where we can improve:

"It's part of our DNA. We focus on all areas in our ESG strategy. 'S' is also important to us, because we need to be a great place to work, which is also part of the broad approach to sustainability," says Sanne Laumann.

The DGNB package is ready and a good source of information for customers

Airmaster is an assembly factory that does not manufacture itself, so it was necessary to take a thorough and in-depth approach to the products. Today, DGNB is widely recognised in new buildings but also in many renovations, where the decentralised ventilation solution is very suitable.

"We will have a DGNB package ready shortly for customers to take and see where it comes into play in terms of energy and air quality, etc. The EU Buildings Directive is on its way, which sets requirements for the energy renovation of around 40,000 buildings in France alone in the coming years. At Airmaster, we are prepared for diverse projects in this regard - also in Denmark. Decentralised ventilation is ideal for school renovations, as it is easy to install units in each classroom, so you don't have to shut down the entire school. Airmaster has a strong position in the market with our decentralised air handling units, but there are of course other competitors in the market, but for us it is only good that decentralised ven¬tilation is coming even more into focus with more players," says Sanne Laumann.


Sanne Laumann

Sanne Laumann

Chief Visionary Officer